My Public Projects (Worth Looking At)

JB Travels

My fiancee and I love to travel, although I wish we got to do so more often. I made this site to help us get a worldwide view of our travels, and drill down to the locations we’ve visited and revisit memories via photos in these places. Just a nice site for showing off our travel trips and photos. With this site, I continued to gain experience with Firebase/GCP, as well as learning a new mapping library AM5.

Sleeper Report

I am very much involved in fantasy football, and I created a dynasty league in 2022 with 11 of my friends through the Sleeper platform. Coming from CBS and ESPN platforms, I noticed Sleeper is missing a lot of cool in depth stats and league rankings, so I wanted to make a supplementary site for just those things. Sleeper Report is the product of this idea. Built using Angular and Google Firebase.

Table Topper

I’m a big fan of board games, and also a big fan of Angular. So, to demonstrate my Angular abilities I made a site for board games. This site uses Board Game Atlas as an API to populate data. The repo can be found here.

Football Machine Learning Project

Also on this page is another attempt at learning machine learning concepts through football predictions, but this project includes an Angular site with the data used in the model training. The site also includes some meta information on the models I tried training and statistics about their success.

Mangrove - The Soundscape Ecology Analysis Toolkit

Mangrove is by far the project I am most proud of. This was my senior design project at UCF, amongst my team of 4 other great programmers. Mangrove is a place for soundscape ecology researchers to organize their data (which happens to be terabytes of sound files) and process them in order to visualize the results. Soundscape ecology is a new field with a lot of potential that I’m hoping Mangrove has a chance to be involved in as it grows larger.

Pickle Bot

This is a Discord bot I made for posting pictures of my cat, Pickle (who you can see pics of on the blog portion of this site) when typing !piggle or !pickle. Just for funsies.

Reddit StackOverflow Bot

This is a Reddit bot that browses programming question related subreddits for new posts. Then it searches Google for related questions in the hopes of finding answers. It will post a reply if it finds something potentially useful. It is banned from most of these subreddits :(

Worms Tracker

Worms Tracker is an app I built on Android solely for keeping track of stats from a game my friends and I play called Worms Clan Wars. We like to play this together over breaks from school when we all have time, and we treat this time as sort of ‘Worm Seasons’ and I figured it’d be easier to keep track of our point systems this way.

Is This A Cat

Using Tensorflow and the internet, this program teaches a Convolutional Neural Network to differentiate between cats and.. not cats. The predict data contains my own cats and some random dogs I had saved on my phone.

Wine Predictor

This program uses the popular wine data set (13 features, 3 classes) and uses logistic regression to predict the wine types given some new features, with 93% accuracy! I did a lot of this program on my own, the code I wrote being commented out, after going through the Stanford ML course online. So here, I utilized that knowledge to write the program (mostly), but then used scikit-learn to implement it in minimal lines of code.

Sports Predictions

Here in my senior year I’ve finally decided to actually do something machine learning oriented, so I’m taking my winter break and working on things like this. Written in python using scikit-learn, this takes in some CSV files and runs the logistic regression algorithm on team stats and game outcomes from the 2017-2018 season and can predict the scores from that season with 81% accuracy. Currently, I am using it for predicting the week 16 scores, currently at 71% accuracy. I am working on adding the NBA as well as betting statistics and improving overall accuracy.

Oscars Predictor

This is something I whipped up somewhat quickly as I realized the Oscars were coming up in a few days, and I thought this would be another good project to work on. Again using Python and scikit learn, this program cleans up a massive database of movies and associated properties to try and predict which films are likely to win an Oscar (not any particular one, just an Oscar.)

Sports Stats Web Scraper

This is a web scraper to go along with the sports predictions I’ve been working on. This retrieves data for the NFL and NBA, with more sports to come as I get to them. As of 12/29/18 this repo has been moved to the Sports Predictions repository, and will only be updated there.

CV Creator

Another assignment, this one for Processes for Object Orientated Programming. This was a semester long group assignment. This website allows the user to input curriculum vitae information and choose a template they like, and have it all output to a pdf file. I was in charge of a lot of the backend work, and creating the templates with PHP and SQL commands. This one was a lot of hard work as well.

PL0 Compiler

This was an assignment for Software Systems, and it is quite a doozy. This is one of my favorite things I’ve done, it really taught me a lot about how compilation works and definitely helped my C skills out. I remember I did the parser wrong and rewrote the entire thing in one night, only to have done it wrong again. Ended up figuring it out eventually, and did well overall in the final assignment.

Conway’s Game of Life

I did this a few years ago to try and learn how to program GUIs better in Java. From what I remember, a lot of this was done with thanks to other repos and tutorials out there. Conway’s Game of Life is supposed to simulate how population sizes affect population growth due to overcrowding or low population size.


This is something I did a long time ago, when I was in high school and still learning Java. I’ve always wanted to make video games of some capacity (I probably could now if I put my mind to it) and I wanted to learn a graphics library in Java. This uses Slick2D to create a very broken Pong game, but a Pong game nonetheless.